12일 전
텔레그램은 유료 사용자 1,000만 명을 달성했으며 합법적이고 검증된 사업체를 소개하는 새로운 기능인 "근처 사업체"를 출시할 것이라고 밝혔습니다. 이러한 사업체는 제품 카탈로그를 표시하고 결제를 수락할 수 있습니다. 텔레그램은 텔레그램에 대한 중재를 비판의 영역에서 칭찬의 영역으로 전환할 것이라고 말했습니다.
Du Rove's Channel
🎉 Telegram has reached 10 million paid subscribers. 10 million people are now enjoying Telegram Premium! 🆕 Today, we’re introducing new features while phasing out a few outdated ones. ⛔️ We’ve removed the People Nearby feature, which was used by less than 0.1% of Telegram users, but had issues with bots and scammers. 🛍 In its place, we will be launching “Businesses Nearby”, showcasing legitimate, verified businesses. These businesses will be able to display product catalogs and accept payments seamlessly. ✂️ We’ve also disabled new media uploads to Telegraph, our standalone blogging tool, which seems to have been misused by anonymous actors. ☝️ While 99.999% of Telegram users have nothing to do with crime, the 0.001% involved in illicit activities create a bad image for the entire platform, putting the interests of our almost billion users at risk. ✊ That’s why this year we are committed to turn moderation on Telegram from an area of criticism into one of praise.