3시간 전
Shaw 🌙 - partner @ ai16z (@shawmakesmagic)
Let's clear the air. We planned for two weeks to launch Eliza with a partner. They came to me with the idea, and I gave them my vision and entrusted them with carrying out that vision. We made sure to have a capable team and an understanding of where this could go. We planned on a Friday launch, but I called a delay because we needed to ship the Marketplace of Trust. So we rescheduled for Monday. Then, yesterday(?), a different Eliza token came out, made by people we didn't know. They contributed to our treasury, and used the platform. I thought it was cool. I was honestly pretty sad that this project I'd been cooking on for *years* was frontran, but they seemed to mean well and I would be kind of a hypocrite for taking other people's names. So we reached out to them and let them know what we were doing. I sent the CTO some of our token and we promised to airdrop 10% of the supply to holders, assuming we could get it from the launch. was in on that as well.…